Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lessons from the Garden

We have some hostas and other plants under a pine tree in our back yard.  I was weeding that area the other day and the Lord was reminding me of some truths I have learned from gardening.  First of all, the wind was blowing and it was whispering through the pine tree.  That is such a cool sound!  I thought of the wind of the Spirit and how it brings refreshing...  sometimes the wind is strong and harsh and prunes the trees naturally.  So it is with us.  God sometimes allows the stronger winds to blow and get rid of the junk in our lives.  Other times it is a soft, gentle breeze and is so refreshing.  He knows exactly what we need.

The weed I was getting rid of was morning glories.  These are pretty flowers but when they grow, they attach themselves to whatever is around and in the case of a plant, they choke them out.  Same with us.  There may be many good things in our lives but if they aren't God's best, it's not His time or they have taken root in the wrong place, they choke the life out of us.  I have learned to prune things out of my life and am still learning...  Then I can enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to give me!   

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